Sermorelin Q&A
What is sermorelin?
Sermorelin is a synthetically made version of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), the endogenous hormone responsible for stimulating natural growth hormone production. Also known as growth hormone releasing factor and GRF 1-29, it is categorized as a growth hormone secretagogue, a compound which stimulates increased secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Sermorelin is one of the best peptides for anti-aging known by medical science.
How does Sermorelin work?
To increase human growth hormone levels, sermorelin stimulates the pituitary gland to produce greater amounts of natural GH. Critically, sermorelin stimulates natural, endogenous production and is not simply synthetic HGH, a fact which offers several important advantages.
First, overdoses are virtually impossible, as its effects are mediated with negative feedback by the body’s own regulatory mechanisms. As a result, HGH production is unable to reach dangerously high levels, and many of the previously known negative side effects of synthetic HGH administration are avoided.
Second, the body’s own production of growth hormone is enhanced rather than shut down (as occurs with administration of exogenous HGH). Therefore, there is no risk of a hormonal crash upon cessation of sermorelin administration.
Third, there is also no likelihood of a diminishing response to administration as there is with HGH. This is due to Sermorelin’s promotion of enhanced yet natural levels of growth hormone in the body. When administered, synthetic HGH causes growth hormone levels to spike and remain unnaturally constant, which can cause its effectiveness to diminish rapidly over time as the body becomes desensitized to its effects. In maintaining blood levels that more closely resemble the body’s natural fluctuations, sermorelin remains consistently effective at a given dose.
What are the reported benefits of sermorelin and increased growth hormone levels?
Sermorelin therapy provides a safe alternative to synthetic HGH as it will help to reinvigorate the natural release of your own growth hormone in the body. Reported benefits include:
- Boosts natural production of Human Growth Hormone, a key hormone for metabolism
- Increased alertness and focus
- Increased energy and stamina
- Better rest and deeper sleep
- Stimulation of lean muscle mass and fat reduction and weight loss
- Better immune, heart and joint health
- Less cravings for sweets
- Less mood swings
- Increases libido or sex drive
- Can lower cholesterol levels
- Positive impact on bone mass
- Less risk of osteoporosis
Some of the anti-aging benefits of rebalancing GH levels in the aging body include:
- Promotion of lean muscle mass and fat reduction
- Improvement in bone mineral density and lower risk of osteoporosis
- Helps prevent joint deterioration as individuals age. By promoting healthy connective tissue, as well as increased bone mineral density and muscle mass, joint health can be improved.
- Enhanced physical performance and muscle strength: reduction in oxygen uptake, decreased bone density and diminished muscle mass all contribute to a lack of physical performance when exercising. Stimulating the production of HGH can help.
- Better heart health: deficiency in GH increases the risk of plaque build up in the arteries. This in turn increases the risk of heart attack or stroke in aging individuals.
- Better metabolism: Growth hormone affects the resting metabolism. Increased protein synthesis, fat oxidation, a reduction in bad LDL, and the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism occurs with greater GH production.
- Better skin: As we age and become deficient in GH, collagen levels are reduced as well. This causes skin to become thinner, to sag, and to wrinkle.
- Enhanced immune function: HGH can work to help regulate the body’s stressed and diminished immune function.
- Better sleep: HGH is mostly produced during sleep and thus, patients often experience deeper, more rejuvenating sleep
- Better sex drive: Growth hormone deficiency is related to lower libido and fatigue. HGH production can help restore vitality and stamina.
- Increased quality of life: Sermorelin therapy has been linked to increased energy levels, mood improvement, and overall feelings of health and well-being.
What are the symptoms of low growth hormone levels?
Suboptimal levels of human growth hormone in the body can devastate an individual’s athletic performance, functional capacity, and overall quality of life. Human growth hormone is a crucial component in numerous physiological processes, with substantial influence in the facilitation of strength, energy, flexibility, vitality, and overall well-being. With low growth hormone levels often comes a loss of muscle mass and strength, weaker bones, reduced exercise capacity, increased body fat, decreased stamina, poor recovery, and nonrestorative sleep. Indeed, aging-related decline in growth hormone levels is responsible for many of the debilitating effects commonly experienced when getting older.
How can I start with sermorelin peptide therapy?
Sermorelin peptide therapy requires a licensed healthcare provider to prescribe it and to monitor a patient’s progression. At Balanced Medical Solutions, we support individuals on their journey towards vitality, rejuvenation and increased performance in all areas of their lives and are here to see if this revolutionary therapy is right for you. When you come in for your first appointment, we will make sure you are a good candidate for this therapy or offer you alternatives in the case that you are not. Regardless of what anti-aging and vitality treatment is the best fit for you, we monitor you closely and are with you every step of the way as you progress on your path towards revitalization and rejuvenation.
To learn how sermorelin peptide therapy can help you defy aging and increase your overall vitality, call Balanced Medical Solutions, or book an appointment online today. During your initial evaluation, you will meet with a provider to discuss your specific concerns and goals and we will conduct a medical evaluation with comprehensive blood tests to determine if sermorelin is right for you.
Request an appointment now through our online calendar. Our initial evaluation is only $99 and follow-up visits are free of charge!