Published: February 16, 2023
By: K. Newton

What Is an Erectile Dysfunction Clinic? 

An ED clinic is a medical facility with specialists dedicated to men’s sexual health and focused on the treatment of erectile dysfunction and other male sexual problems. You can receive a comprehensive evaluation from a team of specialists at an ED clinic, like Balanced Medical Solutions in Hayward, California.

In an erectile dysfunction clinic, sometimes called a low testosterone clinic or a low T clinic, medical professionals will work with you to determine the root cause of your ED. There are many potential causes of ED, including:

You will undergo a physical examination, discuss your medical history, and provide a blood sample to run comprehensive labs, including hormone tests.

When it comes to finding an erectile dysfunction clinic, it’s important that you take your time and do your research. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one is right for you.

What are the benefits of an erectile dysfunction clinic?

An erectile dysfunction and low testosterone clinic, such as Balanced Medical Solutions, allows men to get to the root of their sexual health issues in a safe and confidential setting. Some of the potential benefits you may experience from your care with Balanced Medical Solutions include:

  • Improved sexual function. One of the primary benefits of a clinic is improved sexual function. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction or low libido, the treatments can help. Many clinics offer penis injections, bioidentical hormone replacement “pellets” and testosterone replacement therapies, which can help to improve your sexual function by increasing your testosterone levels.
  • Increased energy levels. Low testosterone can not only cause erectile dysfunction or low libido, it can also cause fatigue and low energy levels. If you find yourself feeling tired all the time, ED treatments may help. By increasing your testosterone levels, you’ll have more energy to do the things you love.
  • Improved muscle mass. Low testosterone can cause muscle loss and weight gain, which can impact your self-esteem. ED treatments can help to increase muscle mass and improve your appearance.

Not sure if you have a hormonal imbalance? Take our free Hormonal Imbalance Quiz to see if you have any of the most common symptoms – click here.

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction or low libido, don’t hesitate to seek help. A low testosterone and erectile dysfunction clinic offers treatments that can help improve your sexual function and overall quality of life. Contact Balanced Medical Solutions today to schedule an appointment.  Make your appointment online and start your journey towards full satisfaction and optimum health!

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