Published: September 17, 2024
By: K. Newton

Plateaus are a common part of the weight loss process with semaglutide as your body adjusts to the medication. However, the fact that it is a common and even expected circumstance doesn’t make it any less frustrating for the patient who stops losing weight before they have reached their goal.

At Balanced Medical Solutions, we have experience with managing semaglutide treatment plans for patients in the San Francisco Bay Area and can offer guidance on overcoming a semaglutide plateau. We can identify the possible reasons for your weight loss stall, adjustments you can make, and other insights into your progress with this weight management medication.

A Quick Refresher on Semaglutide

Semaglutide is classed as a GLP-1 receptor agonist, which means it mimics a hormone your body naturally produces called “glucagon-like peptide-1”. When patients first start taking it, it begins to regulate blood sugar, slow down digestion, and make them feel full for longer. By controlling hunger and reducing overall food intake, it can help patients lose an average of 10-15% of their body weight in the first year. Then, the medication should continue to be taken to maintain the results and prevent weight gain.

With semaglutide, adjusting the way that you eat and exercise is just as important as with any other weight loss plan. Because it decreases hunger and allows you to feel fuller faster, it is even more important to be careful about the nutrients you are consuming during these times. Nourishing your body with whole foods and finding the right balance between macro and micronutrients improves the success of the treatment and your overall health throughout the process.

What Is a Semaglutide Plateau?

What if you haven’t reached that 10-15% mark and you have noticed a dramatic slowing in your body’s response to the medication? First, it is important to remember that plateaus with semaglutide are different from the stalls you might have experienced while trying to lose weight without medication. The leveling off that happens with semaglutide can be less frustrating and impactful.

During any type of rapid weight loss, your body will eventually stabilize and stop losing weight as quickly in an attempt to retain fat stores and protect against starvation. With many non-medicated plateaus, it can even be the beginning of a gradual increase in weight gain. However, with consistent semaglutide treatments and a commitment to your new healthy lifestyle, a plateau might be just that–a slowing down as your body stabilizes, but without making your body jump back to its previous weight.

What Causes Semaglutide Plateaus?

When you begin losing weight, your body makes biological adjustments in response to the sudden changes. Your metabolism will naturally begin to slow down as a result of a caloric deficit which is why it is so important to balance your caloric intake and not reduce it too quickly. A slower metabolism can lead to a plateau in weight loss because your body is using fewer calories to maintain its new body mass.

Your body can also become more efficient at maintaining its weight. Your body may begin to hold onto remaining fat stores as a protective measure. If muscle mass has decreased during weight loss, this can also lead to a further slowing of your metabolic rate.

When Can the Semaglutide Plateau Occur?

The plateau will occur at different times for each patient. For some patients, the first plateau can happen after just a few months. However, for many patients, weight loss can be sustained for up to 60 weeks which can mean more than a year of steady weight loss. Knowing that this is likely to occur can help you and your doctor prepare for the plateau and make a plan for weight management beyond the expected stall.

Addressing the Semaglutide Plateau

Reevaluating Your Lifestyle

When your body balances out and weight loss slows, making additional lifestyle changes can keep you on the path to shedding pounds. This may mean reducing your caloric intake again by a small amount. Sometimes a greater focus on the balance of macronutrients you consume can also be enough to jumpstart weight loss. Consuming fat, protein, and fiber in different proportions can prompt changes just significant enough to help your body start losing weight again.

Adding physical activity can also help you break through the plateau. Because muscles burn more calories, increasing your strength training and focusing on building muscle can help raise your metabolism again and encourage your body to burn more fat. Remember that gaining muscle can cause your weight to increase even if fat is decreasing. Instead of worrying about the number you are seeing on the scale, note other positive changes in your body after weight training such as increased strength, improved energy, and a leaner body shape.

Adjusting Your Dosage

For some patients, it may be appropriate to increase the semaglutide dosage, especially for those who are closer to the beginning of their treatment. However, there is a limit to how high we can go with your dosage. If you have reached the maximum dosage, changes to the medication may no longer be an option. If you have reached this point, we can work with you to explore other strategies.

Focusing on Health Rather Than the Scale

You have likely started your weight loss process with a specific goal in mind for your weight loss. However, the number you are working towards is not always a good marker for your success. As healthcare professionals, our priority is your overall health. We encourage you to focus more on how you feel. Do you have more sustained energy throughout the day? Are you at a weight that supports good overall health? Sometimes, even if your weight isn’t decreasing anymore, your health is improving in important ways such as muscle gains and reduced consumption of processed and high-sugar foods.

Hot Take: The Plateau May Be a Good Thing

Believe it or not, hitting a plateau during semaglutide weight loss might be a sign that your body is doing what it’s supposed to do. Our bodies are smart, and sometimes a plateau means your body has found a weight that it considers healthy. While it may not be the exact number you had in mind, this could be the weight where your body feels balanced and functions best.

Plateaus are a natural part of any weight loss journey, and it’s good to plan ahead for them with your doctor. Understanding that these stalls will happen can help you prepare mentally and allow you to adjust your strategy when necessary. The key is to view the plateau as an opportunity to reassess your goals and your approach. Sometimes, maintaining your current weight for a period allows your body to stabilize before further progress can be made.

Break Through the Semaglutide Plateau: Contact Us Today

Semaglutide can help you manage your weight effectively, but it’s important to recognize that plateaus are a natural part of the process. By understanding how the body responds to weight loss and making the necessary adjustments, you can continue to progress toward your health goals. If you’re ready to learn more about how we can help, contact Balanced Medical Solutions at 510-679-3300 or through our online form to schedule a medical evaluation today.

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